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/ Texas Longhorn

Put the fork down, 
time to get messy

Ephelant task: Brand identity / Brand Strategy  / Illustration / Packing / Digital assets

When Texas Longhorn's founder Philip moved to Sweden, he began to miss his hometown of San Antonio in Texas after some time. He longed for barbecue smoke, spicy slow cookers and a place where people could gather to relax, laugh and enjoy some really good Texas barbecue.


The task: was to develop a brand identity around Philips's vision and passion for Texas BBQ. 


The solution: was a visual identity around the slogan: "Put the fork down, time to get messy". The expression was visualized in both the restaurants and the package design for the retail stores - fun, playful and simply messy -  just like a real family BBQ in Sant Antonio should be.

/ Texas Longhorn 

Texas Longhorn
X Coop

Ephelant task: Brand identity / Brand Strategy  / Illustration / Packing / Digital assets

San Antonio is not far from Coahuila in Mexico. Mexican food is a big part of Texas food culture. 
Coop and Texas longhorn produced a unique collection of products with flavours from Mexico.


The task: was to develop a brand identity around Philips's vision and passion for Texas BBQ with flavours from Coahuila. 

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