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/ Soft Goat

Happy and free spirit life of the 60s

Ephelant task: Brand identity / Brand Strategy  / Illustration / Pattern / Clothing Design

Soft Goat offers cashmere pieces characterised by timeless simplicity but with a twist. 

The task: was to develop a world around Soft Goats' vision for their first ski collection.  
The inspiration comes from the happy and free spirit life of the 60s. The location was Zermatt, of course. 

/ Soft Goat

Happy and free spirit life of the 60s

Ephelant task: Brand identity / Brand Strategy  / Illustration / Pattern / Clothing Design

Soft Goat offers cashmere pieces characterised by timeless simplicity but with a twist. 

The task: was to develop a world around Soft Goats' vision for their first ski collection.  
The inspiration comes from the happy and free spirit life of the 60s. The location was Zermatt, of course. 

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